ITEM# 01401OXR

Maxi Cosi Loola Stroller 01401OXR Oxygen Red

This item is discontinued.
The Maxi-Cosi Loola Stroller is a compact, lightweight stroller that is easy for you to maneuver while you are out and about around town. The reversible seat of the Loola allows your little one to face you or face the world as you stroll. You can be sure that your child will remain safe and comfortable while in the Loola thanks to a 5-point safety harness, an extra padded seat with four recline positions and an adjustable sun canopy. The included rainshield ensures that your child will remain dry even on rainy days. When pushing your child in the Loola, you’ll appreciate the height adjustable handles and hand-mounted lock for switching the front wheels from fixed to swivel. The telescopic 3-D compact fold of the stroller makes it easy to store when not in use. The Loola stroller comes complete with car seat adapters that are compatible with the Maxi-Cosi Mico Infant Car Seat. When used together the Loola and the Mico provide you with a convenient and easy to use travel system.
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