How to Install a Car Seat

How to Install a Car Seat

Albee Baby

Car Seat Installation Guide

In our experience, learning how to install a car seat ranks at the top of parental anxieties. A car seat’s safety rating only applies when that car seat is properly installed. Any time a car seat is not properly installed, it is not nearly as safe as you’d want it to be.

Today, we’ll explore an overview of different car seat installation methods and tackle some of the questions that we hear most often from both new and experienced parents.

Car Seat Installation Types

There are two ways to secure a car seat in a vehicle: by using the LATCH (Lower Anchors and Tethers for Children) system or with the vehicle’s seat belt. Both LATCH and seat belt installations are equally safe; generally, a LATCH installation is more intuitive and easier for non-parent caregivers, particularly those who are less familiar with the ins and outs of car seat installations. That being said, lower anchors have a weight limit of 65 lbs. (this limit includes the weight of your child combined with the weight of the car seat). Unless your car seat is rated for a max weight below 65 lbs., plan for belt installation eventually.

LATCH Installation

  • Most cars manufactured after 2001 are rigged with LATCH anchor points, and can be identified by a LATCH logo.
    • Lower anchors: are small bars located between the rear seat and back cushions, and are most often found on the outboard seats.
    • Lower anchor straps: are attached to the bottom of a car seat on either side, and have hooks or buckles that are snapped onto the lower anchors.
    • Top tether anchors: are metal loops that can be located on the back of your rear seat, on the back floor, under the seat, or on the ceiling, depending on the make and model of your car.
    • Top tether strap: is a strap that comes out of the top of the car seat attaches to the top tether anchor. They’re used with any forward-facing seat.
  • LATCH installation is typically used with rear-facing car seats. Because LATCH installation has a weight limit that will be exceeded once your child begins to forward-face, we recommend seat belt installation once you transition to a forward-facing convertible car seat.
  • Generally, the middle seat is the safest placement for a car seat (always refer to your vehicle manual for recommendations, of course), so keep in mind that many car models only have LATCH points in the outside seats.

Seat Belt Installation

  • If you’re concerned that seat belt installation with an infant car seat is less safe than LATCH installation, don’t worry. Both methods are equally safe when the seat is installed properly.
  • Belt path guides (usually indicated by color) will help ensure you are positioning the belt correctly on the car seat.
  • If you’re planning to travel, take a cab, or use a rental car, set aside some time to practice seat belt installation.
  • Some convertible car seats (the Britax ClickTight line and the Nuna Rava, for example) make use of tensioning plates that simplify seat belt installation. They add additional tension to the belt without requiring a ton of manual force to get your seat properly snug and secure in a vehicle.

Car Seat Installation FAQs

What Is the Safest Way to Install a Car Seat?

When we talk with parents, they often ask which installation is safer: LATCH or belt? LATCH is a newer method of car seat installation, and because of that, parents often assume it’s safer. The truth is that both installations, done properly, are equally safe.

What Is the Safest Placement for a Car Seat in Your Vehicle?

Because many collisions involve a side-impact to your vehicle, the safest placement, statistically speaking, is the middle of your back seat. Placement in the middle seat will help avoid direct impact in an accident. Of course, not all vehicles will accommodate a car seat, so always refer to the owner’s manual before installation.

Additionally, any car seat (infant, convertible, all-in-one, or booster) should only be used and/or installed in the back seat of your vehicle.

What Is the Easiest Car Seat to Install?

This may be one of the most asked questions about baby gear that we hear, and boy, wouldn’t it be easy if there were a one-size-fits-all answer? While there are some car seat features that make installation more intuitive and reduce the likelihood of user error, the truth is that getting the most secure install will depend on the type of vehicle you drive, the specific model of car seat being used, and the person responsible for the installation.

Focus on getting to know your car seat, keep your vehicle manual handy, and practice! Repetition and familiarity make for a confident and correct car seat installation—you’ve got this.

How Can You Be Sure Your Car Seat Is Installed Tightly Enough?

A securely installed car seat should not allow for more than 1” of movement front-to-back or right-to-left at the belt path (where the LATCH webbing or vehicle seatbelt passes through the car seat shell or base). Keep in mind that the further you test from the belt path, the more movement there will be—that is normal and not cause for concern.

Do I Need to Get My Car Seat Inspected After I Install It?

Your car seat may have the most advanced safety features available, but those bonus bells and whistles won’t mean a thing if the car seat is not installed correctly. The NHTSA estimates that three out of four car seats are not properly installed, so it’s a good idea to have your installation checked by a Child Passenger Safety Technician (CPST). You can find them at many local police and fire stations, and/or head to and search your zip code to find a CPST near you.

Additionally, the non-profit organization Safe Kids Worldwide is dedicated to protecting kids from preventable injuries, and hosts car and road safety events all over the US, including car seat checks. You can check here to find an inspection station or car seat check up near you.

Whatever car seat you decide upon, make sure to familiarize yourself with the product manual, and if you own a car, refer to the vehicle manual for car seat placement recommendations.

Finding What’s Right for You

Albee Baby is the oldest family-owned specialty baby shop in the US, and we pride ourselves on providing our customers with the best assortment of baby products anywhere, at fair prices, always. We’re committed to being an inclusive resource for parents, and hope you’re feeling empowered to find the right baby gear for your family. Still have questions? Feel free to contact our baby gear experts at 877.692.5233 or by email at

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