Is There an Expiration Date for Car Seats?
First time parents may be surprised by their new babies growing at what feels like warp speed. Before you know it, all those swaddle blankets, baby swings and tiny pajamas will get packed away and moved to storage.
But what about big ticket gear items, like car seats—exactly how long is a car seat good for? Do car seats expire? Should you use a hand-me-down? Can you plan to reuse a car seat with a second baby?
All car seats will eventually expire, so it’s important for parents to know if a car seat can be used safely, or if it’s time to shop for something new.
Why Do Car Seats Expire?
Manufacturers take a few different aspects of car seat testing, usage, and materials into consideration when creating expiration dates, including:
- Normal wear and tear. Car seats are one of the most frequently used items of baby gear you’ll own, and eventually, all that usage can affect the integrity of your car seat materials (especially if you live in an area that experiences extreme heat). Even if the car seat looks like-new, there could be cracks in plastic parts you can’t see, or straps that have been compromised by improper cleaning.
- Tech advances. Car seat manufacturers , government agencies like the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), and professional medical groups like the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) regularly conduct crash tests. All that evolving data means car seat manufacturers are incorporating new technology and materials that result in safer seats. Those future advances in safety technology are considered when determining a car seat’s expiration date.
- Replacement parts. Manufacturers stop producing replacement parts for old and/or discontinued car seats, so if you encounter a parts replacement issue, you won’t be able to use the seat safely. And don’t forget to verify your car seat hasn’t been subject to a recall—Safe Kids Worldwide keeps an updated list of baby gear product recalls you can search.
- Intended lifespan. All car seats are designed to be used for a certain timeframe and not beyond (even all-in-one car seats max out at around 10 years of use).
What Is the Lifespan of Infant Car Seats?
Well, the lifespan of an infant car seat can vary depending on a number of factors, including the make and model of the seat, the quality of the materials, and how frequently it is used. Some experts recommend replacing infant car seats after six years, while others suggest a shorter lifespan of just two to three years.
But let’s be real, you’re not just looking for a general answer, are you? You want to know what’s best for your child, and that’s understandable. The truth is that the lifespan of an infant car seat is a delicate balance between safety and cost. You don’t want to compromise your child’s safety by using an old, worn-out seat, but you also don’t want to spend a fortune on a new seat every year.
So, what can you do? First of all, make sure you’re buying a high-quality infant car seat from a reputable manufacturer. This will help ensure that the seat is built to last and will provide the necessary protection for your child.
Next, be sure to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for proper use and care of the seat. This may include things like cleaning the seat regularly, storing it in a cool, dry place, and avoiding exposure to extreme temperatures.
Finally, keep an eye on your child’s growth and development. As your child grows, their car seat needs may change, and you may need to upgrade to a larger or more advanced seat to ensure their safety.
In the end, the lifespan of an infant car seat is just one piece of the puzzle when it comes to keeping your child safe on the road. With a little research and common sense, you can find a seat that meets your needs and gives you peace of mind every time you hit the road.
Where Can You Find the Expiration Info?
You can find your car seat’s expiration info by locating the sticker with the Date of Manufacture (DOM) printed on it (or alternatively, stamped directly into the plastic of the car seat itself). While some car seats come labeled with an expiration date, if yours is just the DOM you’ll need to do a simple calculation: DOM + Useful Life = Expiration Date (the “useful life” of your car seat can be found in your instruction manual).
If you’re looking for the expiration information on a car seat, the first place to check is the manufacturer’s label on the seat itself. Locate the sticker with the Date of Manufacture (DOM) printed on it (or alternatively, stamped directly into the plastic of the car seat itself). While some car seats come labeled with an expiration date, if yours is just the DOM you’ll need to do a simple calculation: DOM + Useful Life = Expiration Date (the “useful life” of your car seat can be found in your instruction manual). This label should be located on the seat’s shell or on one of the harness straps.
If you can’t find the expiration information on the label, check the owner’s manual that came with the car seat. The manual should provide information on the car seat’s lifespan and when it should be replaced.
If you still can’t find the expiration information, you can contact the manufacturer directly for assistance. They should be able to provide you with the necessary information to determine the car seat’s expiration date.
It’s important to note that car seats do have a finite lifespan, and using an expired car seat can compromise your child’s safety in the event of an accident. Be sure to check the expiration date on your car seat regularly and replace it if necessary to ensure your child is always properly protected on the road.
Should You Buy a Used Car Seat?
We advise against purchasing a used car seat, and not just because we’re a baby gear retailer. It’s critical you know a previously used car seat’s complete history (has it been recalled? does it need replacement parts? has it been in a crash? etc.), and with a used car seat, that’s probably not possible.
If budget is a concern, there are plenty of affordable brand new options that you can be sure are up to current safety standards. Additionally, there are nonprofits like Buckle Up for Life that donate seats to families in need.
Can You Reuse Your Car Seat for a Second Child?
Picture this: you’re a new parent, excitedly preparing for the arrival of your first child. You’ve spent hours researching and shopping for the perfect car seat, carefully selecting one that meets all the safety standards and fits your budget. But what happens when that first child grows up and you’re ready to welcome a second little one into your family? Can you reuse that car seat, or is it time to start from scratch?
First and foremost, you need to check the expiration date on the car seat. Just like milk or bread, car seats have an expiration date, and using one that has passed its prime can be dangerous. If the seat is expired, it’s time to say goodbye and start fresh.
Assuming the car seat is still within its expiration date, you need to ask yourself: has it been in a crash? Even a minor fender bender can compromise the integrity of a car seat, and using one that has been in an accident is a big no-no. Don’t let your second child suffer the consequences of the first child’s collision.
Assuming the car seat is still in good condition and hasn’t been in a crash, it’s possible to reuse it for a second child. However, you need to keep in mind that car seat technology is constantly evolving, and what was considered safe a few years ago may not be up to snuff today. Plus, if the car seat has been heavily used, it may not provide the same level of protection as a brand-new seat.
What Do You Do with an Expired Car Seat?
Expired car seats can’t be treated like other items you may just toss in the trash or donate—you want to ensure that no one else can mistakenly use it. Make sure you:
- Cut the straps.
- Remove the car seat cover and any padding.
- Write ‘EXPIRED – DO NOT USE’ somewhere on the plastic shell.
If you’re looking for a more eco-friendly option, Clek has partnered with Car Seat Recycling to safely and sustainably recycle your car seat right here in the US. They will provide you with a kit to ship your expired seat to a partner facility for materials processing.
Finding What’s Right for You
Albee Baby is the oldest family-owned specialty baby shop in the US, and we pride ourselves on providing our customers with the best assortment of baby products anywhere, at fair prices, always. We’re committed to being an inclusive resource for parents, and hope you’re feeling empowered to find the right baby gear for your family. Still have questions? Feel free to contact our baby gear experts at 877.692.5233 or by email at info@albeebaby.com.